Thank you for your interest in the Arizona High School Weightlifting Association, and in bringing the Sport of Weightlifting to your school!

We are excited to introduce to you the 2017 High School Weightlifting State Championship event that will crown Arizona’s strongest High School! As a lead up the this event, a competitive season will be conducted during the High School Winter Sport Season from November 2016 through January 2017 that will include a series of qualifying events for the State Championship. We invite you to participate, and support any of your athletes and coaches in this endeavor, and take pride in those striving to represent your school in the world’s strongest sport.

Weightlifting is one of the safest all competitive sports, and is a non-contact, non-collision activity that relies on perfected technique, mental focus, physical strength, and explosive power to perform highly-athletic lifts – The Snatch and the Clean & Jerk, the two lifts contested at the Olympic Games.

Weightlifting has been proven to be an extremely positive activity for all participants, and is responsible for increasing overall health and fitness, building self-esteem and confidence, and providing rewarding atmosphere of hard work, commitment, and achieving personal bests.

The Sport of Weightlifting will be a positive addition to your school athletic program and your students as it offers these unique benefits:

  • Weightlifting, and its well-known lifts that are used by elite athletes worldwide, has inherent benefits to your current athletes, and training for the competitive lifts has been proven through science and countless studies to increase performance in every sport.
  • Weightlifting is a challenging and fun co-ed sport that offers a supportive Team atmosphere, while participating in an individual event. Students learn the value of helping and encouraging their teammates, while pushing themselves to be a better athlete.
  • It is a “Weight Class” sport, where athletes compete on an equal playing-field with those of similar size. This has a wide appeal to athletes of all sizes and provides a rare opportunity for some of the “undersized” athletes that might otherwise struggle in some sports, to excel, as well as for some of the “larger” athletes that might face similar challenges. With (8) eight weight classes for boys, and (8) eight for girls, this sport offers an equal chance for athletes of all sizes, and students may discover a sport that was “designed” for their body type.
  • It can be implemented with little to no cost to your school, as it may already have the facility and majority of the equipment required. If your school has a weight room, you can start!
  • The High School competitive season will be conducted as a Winter Sport, which makes it complimentary to Football and Volleyball as an “Off-Season” training program, and a “Pre-season” program for Track & Field or other Spring sport athletes. Weightlifting will help develop better overall athletes, generate interest and excitement about weight training in general, and provide a boost your overall athletic program.
  • Students will have the opportunity to be selected to “Team Arizona”, and receive funding and support to represent Arizona and your school at the National Championships!